So it's January 10
th 2003, our rehearsal dinner. Ben's grandfather stands up and toasts our marriage. He said in the words of our Lord " go be fruitful and multiply". We all laughed knowing this was his standard speech for rehearsal dinners but never knowing what the Lord really had in store for us.
Fast forward to 2007. August 31, 2007, my hematologist released me to get pregnant. I had been off steroids for exactly one year, my platelets had been in normal range since the treatment began and my thyroid levels were normal. (In 2006 I was diagnosed with
ITP and
Hashimoto's thyroiditis.) So we officially began "trying" in October 2007. By March, I was getting a little frustrated so I visited my
gyno. He sent Ben for a semen analysis and I went through a few tests of my own. Ben's semen analysis results were devastating and we were sent to Nashville Fertility Clinic.
We chose a doctor at the fertility clinic and went for our first visit. Of course, I had to have more tests, Ben had
blood work, and another semen analysis. We were told our only option was in
vitro at the price of $20,000. We went home
completely destroyed. Only women can understand the feeling of wanting to be a mother. Not everyone is called to be a mom but I know that I am.
After more tests and better results from the next semen analysis, we decided to try intrauterine insemination. We tried it once in July of 2007, then again in December 2008, and January-March of 2009. Five treatments, no babies. Ben and I were both on medicine, we were praying, our friends and
family were praying, we were so hopeful, only to be disappointed. After the last treatment, we decided to take a break. We were out of money and emotionally drained. We continued to pray everyday and try on our own but still no baby.
So, here we are today. We went to a new fertility doctor at Vanderbilt, had more tests done, and got some better results. Ben's semen analysis was so much better, normal count but low motility and morphology. All my tests were normal except for progesterone, which was low. Easy fix though, just use ovulation test strips until they are positive, wait 3 days, begin using the progesterone suppositories every morning and night, then get a blood pregnancy test 12 days after you begin the suppositories, if the test is negative discontinue, if the test is positive continue using them for 3 months. Easy, right? Well, we shall see next month. In the meantime I am doing accupuncture. Why not? Western medicine hasn't worked so far. I go once a week, get about 30 needles poked into my body and magnets stuck to my ears and wrists. The accupuncurist asked me to cut out dairy products and he is giving me chinese herbs to take daily. I am optimisitic right now. I am choosing to live and to accept the path the Lord has put us on. I can't give up. I am going to be a mom, one way or another.